Best of Portland Food Walking Tour

Fra USD 139,00 $
  • Sted: Niagara Falls, ON
  • Produkt kode: PORFWT

Join us on the Best of Portland Food Walking Tour, a culinary adventure that celebrates the city's diverse and mouthwatering cuisine. This tour is designed to showcase the very best of Portland's food scene, featuring a carefully curated selection of themed culinary experiences at each stop. From sweet treats to savory delights, this tour promises a feast for all your senses.

Our food journey begins at 1 Long Wharf, where you'll encounter a significant piece of the Berlin Wall, offering a glimpse into Portland’s connection to global history.

At our first food destination, get ready for a mouthwatering experience as we dive into a world of sweet indulgence. A freshly baked doughnut or fudge dessert treat will delight you with an assortment of flavorful donuts that will leave you craving for more.

Next up, we venture into the realm of seafood delights. This stop is dedicated to savoring the succulent and flavorful lobster rolls, a true delicacy that embodies Portland's coastal culinary heritage.

After feasting on the exquisite seafood, take a leisurely city walk to experience the vibrant atmosphere of Portland. The streets come alive with energy and charm, offering a delightful backdrop for your culinary adventure.

Our final destination is a haven for cheese enthusiasts. Delight in the artistry of a staple portland grilled cheese shop and sample one of their famous sandwiches. This stop celebrates the timeless delight of cheese and its rich, diverse flavors.

Throughout the tour, our expert guides will share fascinating insights into Portland's food culture, the history behind each culinary gem, and the unique stories that make each stop special. They will also ensure you’re well educated on some of the most important moments in Portland’s History. So come hungry and eager to explore as we take you on a journey through the Best of Portland Food, revealing the city's most mouthwatering treasures!