Dallas Small Group Walking Tour with Observation Deck

Fra USD 79,00 $
  • Sted: Niagara Falls, ON
  • Produkt kode: DSGWTOD

Start your walking tour at the historic Grassy Knoll, a poignant landmark in American history. From there, proceed to the John F. Kennedy Memorial, where you'll have a moment to reflect on the legacy of one of America's most iconic leaders.

Next, wander through the vibrant Dallas Farmers Market, indulging in delicious snacks while experiencing the local culture and produce firsthand. This quick tour through the market highlights the best of Dallas's culinary scene, offering a taste of the city's diverse flavors.

Continue to Dallas City Hall, an impressive example of modern architecture and the heart of the city's civic operations, showcasing the governance and public spirit of Dallas.

The tour concludes at Reunion Tower. Here, guests are encouraged to ascend to the observation deck for spectacular views of the city skyline. While the guide concludes their narration, the experience atop Reunion Tower provides a breathtaking finale to a journey through Dallas's rich history and vibrant present. This walking tour offers an intimate glimpse into the city's soul, from its historic sites to its bustling market and panoramic views.